If you are looking for a music streaming service that works with Google Home Mini in India, Spotify has finally rolled out support for the Google Assistant. The smart speaker, which costs Rs7,999, can now play your favorite songs through Spotify’s Assistant. Users can connect their Google Home Mini to Spotify with a few easy steps. First, open the Google Home app and select the Account preferences option. After that, all they need to do is select the music they want to play.
After setting up the Google Home Mini, you can begin enjoying your favorite music right away. With Spotify Premium, you can enjoy an ad-free listening experience. You can also skip tracks and download content to play later. And, you can connect multiple devices to the service, so you can listen to music on your Google Home Mini while driving or at work. This is just one of the many ways Spotify is making it easier for its users to enjoy the music they love.
You can also get a Google Home Mini in India for free if you have a Premium subscription to Spotify. This device works with Google Assistant and is considered an entry-level smart speaker. Spotify is giving away a few of these devices through November 15, 2018. While the promotion has ended, Spotify has previously offered free Google Home Mini speakers for select family plan subscribers. While the offer is only available to those with a Premium family plan, it is still worth checking out.
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