The BJP and JD(U) released a song for the upcoming elections in Bihar. It was titled ‘Bihar mein ee baa’ and was sung by a woman named Neha Singh Rathore. It criticizes the current government in Bihar and its deteriorating law and order situation. It also mentions the wrongdoing of the NDA and JD(U) governments.
The song has been used by several political parties, including the RJD, Congress, and Nitish Kumar. In the BJP version, the lyricist and composer, Jayant Aryan, talk about the development of Bihar and its development, while the RJD and Congress versions mention the investments in educational institutions and startups. The song was widely used and became a hit for all three parties. However, many have questioned the sex politics of these parties.
Some Bihar folk songs were adapted from the popular Hindi genre. Harkirtan and Astakam are two songs that are chanted continuously for 24 hours in Hindu temples. Many of these songs have transgender singers. Some of them sing for a living and have a special connection to Bihar. This is a wonderful way to get in touch with the local culture. The BiharSong website has a wealth of information to help you get started.