Many times with so many things we do in the day we do not worry about taking an eye to the basics of our home that give us security and stability, in this case, our locks. It is practically the only object that cannot be missing in our home, and that should never be ignored in order to prioritize starsfact our physical integrity and our economic stability. Seeing if it is working properly could prevent you from robbery attempts, our pet from escaping if the door opens, our children from snooping outside, and many other things. And there doesn’t necessarily have to be a very obvious lock breakage to be a danger, sometimes it’s as simple as:
The key doesn’t fit in the lock.
To your surprise, this is the most common problem. And it is not necessary that it does not enter completely, but a clear sign that your lock is no longer useful or is about to be damaged is that the key every day is more difficult to enter. This can be due to multiple reasons, among them rust, a defective key made by a poor quality locksmith, dirt obstructing the passage little by little, among many more. But you won’t know which of these it is until you call a locksmith for maintenance who will do a check-up and give you a concrete diagnosis, with a solution.
The key won’t turn in the lock
Another variation of the above problem, and it is much more desperate because even though we manage to put our key inside, it seems to be stuck or simply turns and does not open the door. Depending on whether the lock is a single or combination lock, there may be several reasons, but if this happens frequently and every so often the situation worsens, I hope you’re ready for it when it won’t open at all.
Again, the solution we could all apply is to apply some lubricant and see if by our luck it is just a lack of maintenance. But if not, the lock must be disassembled in order to determine what the real problem is and for that you will always need to hire a locksmith. Don’t worry, usually the evaluations are not charged and you decide if you need the service or not, but if you want to avoid a burglary at home, the best thing to do is to accept having your lock door repaired.
The latch stopped working
This is slightly worrying, because if your latch was perfectly fine, whotimes then it means that someone may have hit the door to try to open or enter in your absence and failed to do so and damaged the latch by unbalancing the frame and screws. So you have to see if the lock had any damage and reassemble everything to the height where it should be to avoid having a problem with the latch again.
Other times, the latch has stopped working because of rust and being totally obsolete, so it is time to find a lock installer and change it.