When visiting Japan, you may wonder: Are there any pet stores? Fortunately, there are. Although you’re unlikely to find a brick-and-mortar pet store in the country, you can purchase all the supplies you need online. Online pet stores offer the same options as traditional stores. There are many reasons to buy a pet online, including its convenience, lower costs, and wide variety of options. Here’s how to choose a pet in Japan.
Animal rights organizations are essential in Japan. Animal advocacy groups like ARK, a nonprofit organization, were founded by Oliver and Rotraut Bomford 25 years ago. Bomford helped Oliver adopt a Great Dane from an animal lab. The experience inspired Oliver to become an activist for animal welfare. Oliver’s NPO actively pursues animal welfare cases and teaches the public about the plight of animals. Even though 90 percent of all pets in Japan are purchased through pet stores, the Japanese government does not strictly supervise the businesses that sell animals.
The Japanese pet industry is worth Y=1.6 trillion and continues to grow despite the recession. However, 73% of Japanese consumers do not own a pet. And many landlords don’t allow pets in their apartments. As a result, there are few pet stores in Japan. It’s important to understand that pet owners are more likely to spend more money than their regular counterparts. To keep your pet’s happiness as the number one priority, you should shop at a store.