To make sure your students have a restful sleep, make sure you know when they need to be in bed. The majority of college students go to bed at night and are usually up at dawn. It can be difficult for them to wind down, so you can use blackout shades to help them sleep through the night. Try to change your sleeping routine so you’re not waking up at dawn. Also, avoid caffeine and alcohol after noon, since they will disturb your sleep.
When it comes to sleep, college students may experience difficulty falling asleep, especially if they are living in dorms. Common problems with sleep include communal living, inability to regulate room temperature, and noisy roommates. Setting a regular bedtime and unwinding before going to bed will help students fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. In addition, a regular sleep schedule will help them feel refreshed the next day and boost their energy levels.
Sleeping at a reasonable time is vital to student performance and health. Getting to bed at a reasonable time each evening will enable students to arrive at class on time and feel refreshed throughout the day. According to a study of 55,322 college students, sleep deprivation lowers GPA by.02 and increases the chance of dropping a course by 10%. According to the study, poor sleep affects your students’ grades more than drinking, drug use, and stress, and is one of the leading causes of poor grades and performance.