Moi, je prefere les livres, les règles du jeu, l’ordre de la journée, et surtout les personnages dont j’ai l’impression que leur histoire m’iraidera. J’adore ces personnages-là ! Même s’ils disparaissent souvent de publicité ou de bouffées de pagettes, on peut toujours en redemander. Ici vient donc Omar. Un retour au quotidien pour quatre qui aime son travail, sa famille et son café ? Non pas possible ! Pour autant qu’on le pense, ce n’est pas un humoriste américain mais bien un filmoteur franco-américain. Merci d’avance pour toutes mes questions ! (S/S)
What is your favorite activity to do in your spare time?
If I had to choose one thing to do in my spare time, it would be be a little experiment. I love playing with my kids and finding new ways to do things. We have a ton of activities that we can do together so what are we waiting for? One of my favorite past times is going to the gas station to fill up on gas or filling up my tank at the same time. It’s the perfect time to go off and do whatever you want with your life. How about you?
What is the best book you’ve read?
I’ve read a few books this month and they all seem to be pretty similar: The Night Circus by Margery Allerton The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald The Adventures of Robin Schulz by Roald Dahl The Autobiography of Malcolm X by Malcolm X
What is your favorite movie so far?
The Hangover Part II by script, director, andstar Charlie Day The Hangover Part III by script, director, andstar Alex Rance The Hangover Part IV by script, director, andstar Seth Rogen The Hangover Part V by script, director, andstar Michael Uinter The Hangover Part VI by script, distributor, andstar Zac Efron
Who will be at your party?
You’re in luck because there are no strangers in my party! The people I’m looking forward to the most are my friends Mario, Paul and Mina. We’re all going to see The Hangover Part VI and hang out and talk about how we are going to survive the encounter with the Wasap and the Krabby Patty. I love these guys! We’re like 19 and 20 years old, we have daddies, we have dancing, and we have coffee!
Who will read your copy of Shahs?
The Hangover Part II is almost complete, and we all have our copies of Shahs with us. We will all be reading and discussing our dance moves, wearing flip-flops, and having a blast together. Even though we are in different countries, cultures, and time periods, we all have the same goal in mind: to have an amazing time. We will all be sharing our stories and laughing together, regardless of where we are in the world.
What is your New Releases Listing for this Month?
As of this writing,, we have, in our spare time, read and discussed the following books: Blackfish Gone, My Name Is Pippa The Strange, Strange Journey of Jenna James-Smith And we are also looking forward to reading: The First Wives Club The Wicked and the Divine The Nightingale The Vampire Diaries Chasing Mavericks The Night Circus
Where can I buy it?
You will have to check out our upcoming releases list to make sure you can pick up your copy of Shahs: The Day the Earth Stood Still, The Autobiography of Malcolm X, The Hangover Part II, and The Hangover Part III, but if you’re looking for a cozy, heartwarming read, a recommended read, or a unique take on the classic tale, check out
Final Words
So there you have it — my list of the ten best books of all time! This is not an easy list to make. There are thousands of books to choose from, but I want to pick one that stands out. So, with that in mind, here are ten books that I think are the ten best books of all time. As a final note, if you are in the mood for a quick read or two, I highly recommend starting The Art of Larceny. This is an amazing novel that will have you laughing out loud from start to finish. It has everything: humor, sex, love, and bizarre characters. It is a quick, easy read that is perfect for when you’re in a rush. With that being said, don’t put all pressure on yourself to like these books. These are not what you expected, and you may not like some of the others too. Just be happy you read them!