The electric cylinder market is growing. In fact, it has been growing at a rate of nearly 10 percent per year for the last decade, and it is expected to continue doing so through 2027. That’s good news for everyone involved in this industry: manufacturers, distributors and end users all benefit from this trend.
Why are people choosing electric cylinders? There are several reasons why actuators have been developing over the past decade and will continue into the future. Some of those reasons include safety, brand recognition, lead-time and user interface.
Safety is a major concern for most industries. Safety is a top priority for electric cylinders, but it’s not the only reason to use them. Electric cylinders are safer than hydraulic cylinders, pneumatic cylinders and manual cylinders, also called actuators.
Safety isn’t the only benefit of using an electric cylinder; there are many other reasons you should consider this option for your project.
Brand Recognition
The second reason why you should consider using electric cylinders is brand recognition. Brand recognition can help with sales, marketing, customer service and employee retention. Brand recognition is crucial because it helps your customers identify your business as one that sells a quality product or offers professional services. It also helps them identify who can help them in case they need assistance with their products or services.
Let’s say that you are running a business that sells bakery items like cakes, cookies and cupcakes. Your customers will most likely recognize the brand name of these products because they have been selling them for many years now, so their names have become familiar among those who appreciate good food items like these ones here at your bakery shop!
You’re probably familiar with lead time as it applies to manufacturing, but you may not have considered how your company can benefit from reducing lead times in other areas of your business. Lead time is the time between ordering and receiving goods or services—it’s important because it reduces the risk of inventory buildup and helps companies react quickly to changes in demand.
For example, suppose you need electric cylinders for one part of your operation but don’t get them until two weeks later. In that case, that could be a problem for operations in your business which depends on electric cylinders being delivered on time. In other words, If these electric cylinders are late getting to their destination, they might get stuck somewhere else along the way (or even lost entirely) before they reach their final destination!
User Interface
Another factor that should be considered when choosing an electric cylinder is the user interface. User interface refers to the physical buttons, knobs and switches you use to control your equipment. Some electric cylinders have complicated controls, making them difficult for people with limited mobility or experience using such devices. For example, if you are looking for an electric cylinder with a simple user interface, consider looking at models made by companies like DBI Sala.
With a variety of options available, it can be challenging to choose the right type of cylinder. However, once you’ve made that decision and purchased your new cylinder, there are plenty of reasons why you should consider using electric cylinders. First, from increased safety to faster delivery times and lower operating costs, these cylinders offer many benefits over traditional gas-powered models.
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