As a photographer, what’s the hardest thing you’ve done? It’s hard to choose the right locations to photograph. In order to get great shots, you must return to a location again and learn about the reactions of light. One way to shoot in different lighting conditions is to spend an entire day in the same spot, and then shoot at different times of the day. When traveling, it’s best to focus on a few locations instead of trying to shoot dozens.
Photography is a creative profession with many perks. Not only do you get to work with creative people all the time, but you also create a tangible product for your clients. Moreover, you get to set your own schedule, and you don’t have to answer to a boss. It’s a rewarding job, and one that can be a great way to make money. You can also wear flip flops.
Be open to criticism. Photography can be subjective, so you need to listen to other people’s opinions and be open to different perspectives. Most importantly, don’t lose sight of the love of your images. Photographers who make their images have done it well. Ultimately, it’s worth it! What’s the hardest thing you’ve done as a photographer? Now, you’re ready to get back to it!