Dealing with menopause can be difficult for people who don’t have time to learn about medical science. Remember that only Testing for the menopause can help you identify if your symptoms are linked with menopause in your case.
To ensure that you don’t confuse symptoms of other diseases with menopause, you must increase your knowledge. Keep reading to find out about the five common symptoms that are usually mistaken as menopause symptoms but are not linked to menopause.
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1. Sweating at Night
It’s common for menopausal women to struggle with profound sweating at night and hot flashes. Some women report that their body temperature might stay high for as long as seven years. The scientific reason why menopause is linked to hot flashes is that the body struggles to maintain temperature when estrogen levels drop in the body.
You should not think that hot flashes and sweating at night are caused by menopause. Hot flashes and profound sweating might also be one of the signs of hypothyroidism. The only way to find out if hot flashes are not caused by hyperthyroidism is by checking if the thyroid glands are functioning properly.
2. Hair Loss
The presence of estrogen in the body is responsible for maintaining healthy hair. Menopause causes estrogen levels to drop in the body, which can also lead to hair loss in most cases. Many people who face hair loss think that menopause is causing the scalp to lose hair.
But menopause might not be the culprit behind hair loss in all cases. Some people might start losing hair because of female pattern hair loss. There might be underlying thyroid issues that can cause severe hair loss in a short time. You should contact your doctor to ask whether your thyroid is functioning properly
3. Increased Heartbeat
Normal estrogen levels in the body are also responsible for managing cardiac health. As menopause can make a sudden change to levels of estrogen in the body, people with menopause might start feeling an increased heartbeat.
Hot flashes and profound sweating caused by menopause might also be the culprits behind increased heartbeat in some cases.
However, linking increased heartbeat with menopause automatically is not the right choice. Abnormal heartbeats might be a symptom of health problems that manifest when you start aging.
Other than that, underlying cardiac health issues might also be the reason behind increased heartbeat in some women.
4. Pain in Joints
Studies have shown that women who go through menopause also develop joint pain during the process. Currently, there is no clear understanding of why menopause can trigger joint pain. But experts believe that decreased estrogen levels caused by menopause might be the underlying reason.
But joint pain might not be linked directly to menopause. Other health problems like arthritis and Lyme disease might be the reason behind joint pain.
5. Mood Swings
Mood swings are considered a common consequence of menopause. People who go through menopause might not be able to maintain a positive mood. However, other problems, such as depression, might also trigger mood swings.