The growth of sustainable investment is fueled by an increasing interest among retail investors and material issues. This new investment class has become a lucrative way to invest your money. However, it is essential for fiduciaries to differentiate between the wheat and the chaff. Here are some key tips to ensure you get the best sustainable investment funds. The first tip is to ask your investment advisor where your money is invested. Ask them to explain the process they use.
Next, sustainable investment will include a broader range of asset classes, themes and regions. The market will continue to grow as governments and investors engage in climate-resilient investments. In addition, the move to a “net-zero economy” will continue to be a focus for governments and global investors alike. But it will be difficult to achieve this by investing exclusively in renewable energy and decarbonizing the economy – it will require a balance between investing in solutions and financing the transition in a fair and inclusive way.
As the Russian/Ukrainian conflict has impacted global energy and food supplies, the demand for ESG investors and sustainable investment strategies is likely to continue growing. This conflict will also fuel debate about the social utility of the security and defense sectors, which have long been excluded from sustainable investment funds. However, the COP26 climate conference has accelerated the adoption of sustainable investment approaches. And there is no better time to get started than now toonily.